Letzte Telegrafie-Aussendung DAO auf 500 kHz am
cq cq cq de dao dao dao gm = kiel
radio/dao on 500/474 khz is closing down for ever. but stations staying
alife as long as being in our mind. thanks to all for good cooperation
all the years since 1946. good luck, goodbye.+
never again d a o sk sk
Letzte Telegrafie-Aussendung DAN auf 500 kHz am
cq cq cq de dan
dan dan = this is the last announcement on 500 khz: norddeichradio/dan
will close the medium wave telegraphy service and the security watch on
500 khz now. oxb will maintain watch on 500 khz for german sar area++
de dan dan +
Letzte Sprechfunk-Aussendung am
"this is norddeich radio good-bye for
ever, over and out"